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Michelin company also buoyed by growth in the energy and industrial markets
Clermont-Ferrand, France - Michelin’s Fenner business delivered significantly higher sales in the six months to 30 June, the French group’s first half report shows.
“Conveyor belt operations expanded over the period, led by strong gains in the mining business,” according to the financial results statement.
Fenner’s other activities “were buoyed by growth in the energy and industrial markets,” added Michelin.
The gains contributed to a 17.6% increase in non-tire sales at Michelin, “led by the Fenner business and the growth of fleet management services.“
Michelin said the conveyor belt market remained “robust in every region, both in the mining segment - driven by strong demand for commodities - and in manufacturing, supported by economic growth and high capital spending.
Fenner operates within Michelin’s Specialty businesses unit, comprising mining, ‘beyond-road’, two‑wheel tire, aircraft tire, conveyor belts and high-tech materials activities.
In May, Fenner Conveyors acquired Conveyor Products & Solutions, an Australian-based manufacturer of conveyor rollers, idlers and pulleys.